
Pros and Cons of Buying a House on Main Road

Buying a house on a main road can have both advantages and disadvantages that should be carefully considered before making a decision. In this analysis, we will explore these factors in greater detail.




One of the most significant advantages of buying a house on a main road is the easy accessibility it provides. A house located on a main road usually has good transport links, making it convenient to travel to different parts of the city. This can be especially useful for those who rely on public transport.

Business Opportunities:

If you are planning to start a business or work from home, a house on a main road can provide excellent exposure to potential customers. This can be an excellent opportunity to showcase your business to a larger audience, leading to increased visibility and potential revenue.

Resale Value:

Houses on main roads tend to have higher resale values compared to those on side streets. This is because they are generally more accessible, making them more attractive to potential buyers.



Noise Pollution:

Perhaps the most significant disadvantage of buying a house on a main road is the constant noise pollution. Traffic, honking, and other noises can be disruptive and make it difficult to enjoy peace and quiet at home.

Air Pollution:

Houses on main roads tend to be exposed to more air pollution due to the high volume of traffic passing by. This can be a significant health hazard, especially for those with respiratory problems.

Safety Concerns:

Main roads tend to have higher accident rates compared to side streets, which can pose a safety risk for residents. Children and pets can be especially vulnerable, as they may be more likely to wander onto the road.


Houses on main roads tend to be less private compared to those on side streets. Passersby can easily look into the house, making it challenging to maintain a sense of privacy.


In conclusion, buying a house on a main road can have both advantages and disadvantages that should be considered before making a decision. While accessibility, business opportunities, and resale value are attractive features, the noise pollution, air pollution, safety concerns, and lack of privacy may be deal-breakers for some. It is crucial to carefully weigh these factors before deciding to purchase a house on a main road.

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